
11 and 12

Strange bedfellows are Regina and Uwe: she an ex-political prisoner and he her ex- interrogator from ex-East Berlin. Once psychologically tormented on a daily basis during eight-hour periods of interrogation the memory of that experience has never left her. As well as experiencing total enclosure indoors, her solitary confinement included visitation by the watchful eyes of guards as they kept track of her movements at three minutes intervals. Understandably, Regina still suffers intensely from these nightmarish experiences in her past. During this excruciating period, she unexpectedly developed a strong bond with her interrogator and he did the same with her. Sixteen years after her release, she contacted him once again. Following their meeting, Regina left her husband and Uwe left his wife and, together, they embarked on a relationship where exorcising the past maintains a prominent role. It is difficult for an outsider to analyze or interpret the reasons behind or qualities inherent in this strange relationship, but it is fascinating to see.

Have a look at the other IDFA 2000 reviews:

Wahlkämpfer (The Election Campaigners)
The Video Diary of Ricardo Lopez
The Eyes of Tammy Faye
AJAX - Daar Hoorden Zij Engelen Zingen (AJAX - Where They Heard The Angels Singing)
Os Carvoeiros (The Charcoal People)
Havanna, Mi Amor (Havana, My Love)

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