
Forrest Gump

Even you, no matter how much of a schlump you are, can succeed (have succeeded?) in your life. It's nice to know in the nineties. A not-very-deep film with a message. In any case, it's an enjoyable evening that doesn't even let you notice that the film lasts 2 1/2 hours. We laugh, we cry, we empathize: all in all, we're glad to feel like ourselves and realize that underneath it all, we're only human.

Unfortunately, most of the sympathetic viewers will continue on their daily routine the next day the same way they always have: unchanged. No points for social rehabilitation.

Superb points for Tom Hanks who proves that you don't have to be smart to be...............what was I gonna say?), to Gary Sunise for what will probably prove to be a Best Supporting Actor Oscar role, to FX for the amazing images of Sunise as the legless vet, to FX for the fantastic feather, and even to director Robert Zemeckis who, despite the fact that any potential social impact loses out to post-war baby boom nostalgia, once again delights us with a modern classic.

The film has, not unexpectedly, managed to capture six Oscars®, so it'll still be running for a while (like Forrest). And the sale of associated merchandise goes on. (Gump chocolates, Gump books of philosophy, etc. -- I can hardly wait for the leg braces!)


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